Need a Tech or Travel Speaker?
Seeking a speaker to talk about traveling with technology?
Are you looking for an enjoyable speaker for your event? I impart real-world, helpful Macintosh, software, and Internet/web knowledge and skills, while also entertaining and inspiring your audience. I love speaking and welcome travel.
Besides my professional experience, I have a few other experiences that make me unique as a speaker. At 26, I hit the road with a backpack and travelled around much of the world by myself for 3 years. This gave me an undertanding of other places and cultures. For example, in Japan I spent time at TV stations and in Thailand I spent time with government officials. I have also been a substitute school teacher in several areas around Long Beach and Orange County in California. Integrating my travel and life experiences, I became a popular, requested teacher. I recently traveled in Central America for 12 months as well, again expanding my knowledge and perspective.
Hear Me Right Now • Speaking Experience • Topics • Contact Me to Speak
I've been creating web sites for 10 years, but still learned a lot.
~Bob B, After SBAMUG meeting — March 28, 2007
W. Roger Lux, President, AITP-LA
First, you'll want to hear how I sound
Here are some of my radio segments. Each opens into a new window and automatically plays.
(The look and feel of this new window is juset temporary.)
Computer News segment** — 9-1-07: Getting top wi-fi speed on all 10.3 & 10.4 Macs.
(You get the gist of the show but parts are edited.)
Computer News with Jeff Levy, every weekend.
Listen to the recording of Deborah Shadovitz speaking about the first 802.11n solution for PowerMacs and the first Intel Core Duos. This was on KNX1070. (2mgs, almost 9 min.)- Computer News segment** — 7-28-07: The Apple iPhone. (1.5mgs, about 10 min.)
Listen to Deborah Shadovitz discuss the iPhone reality after one month.
(You get the full gist of the show but Jeff's call and other bits are edited.)
This aired on every weekend. - Computer Wars* — 4-27-07: What you get out of the box (1.7mg, 6 min - Play
- Computer Wars* — 4-13-07: Moving files from Win to Mac (5.7mg, 7 min) - Play
- Computer Wars* — 4-6-07: DRM follow-up (Deb told to take a bow), then transferring files to a new computer (2.5mg, 7 min) - Play
- Computer Wars* — 3-30-07: Apple and DRM (6mg, 7 min) - Play
- Computer Wars* — 3-23-07: Getting to your files (5mg, 6 min) - Play
- Computer Wars* — 3-2-07: Wi-fi (7.8mg, 8.5 min) - Play
- Computer News segment** — 5-27-07: Interactive discussion with Jeff Levy. An introduction to contextual menus for Mac users, remembering life with one button, and other timely discussion. (8mgs.) - Play
- Computer News segment** — 3-31-07: Playing WMF. (4mgs, 5 min.) - Play
(Jeff's call is edited, only open and close is here.) - As guest of Leo Laporte, The Tech Guy on KFI — 4-23-05,
to talk about the MacGathering (4.4 mgs, 5 min.) - Play - As guest of Ric Allan and Doran Barons on KPFK — 4-23-05,
to talk about the MacGathering (3.7 mgs, 4 min.) - Play
*Computer Wars was a regular part of The Nightside Project, on KSL News Radio 102.7, Salt Lake City and environs, every Friday evening.
**Computer News With Jeff Levy is the longest running computer show in Southern California. This was on KNX 1070am. I was a guest every 3 weeks.
Thank you again for your support of WOCMUG.
The audience was so engrossed with your presentation I think they would have stayed until the wee hours. I have had the very positive feedback from everyone I have talked to.
I hope you'll continue your support of our group.
~Lynn Goodrich, Group Leader
People who have the kind of depth of knowledge that Deb possesses are unique as speakers, writers and trainers. Deb's experience as a journalist and author have nurtured her talent for speaking clearly on complex technologies. As a writer, or a speaker, Deb is an exceptional addition to any roster.
~Cliff VanMeter,
Some of my topics
Helpful computer-use tips.
I was at your Mac Beginnings sessions and it was a pleasure. You know so much and teach it well — and your voice is so friendly and easy to listen to that I could have stayed all day.
-A man from Northern California during Macworld Expo
- Computer Efficiency
Whether you're on Mac or Windows there are some basic things you can do that will boost your productivity.
I penned Mac Efficiency 101 and now write Mac Efficiency for OS X and did Mac Efficiency seminars for several years. I also speak of this with computers in general at business meetings. - Efficient Word Processing
We really enjoyed having you on Tuesday. We'd like to have you out again. it seems that the interest is intense.Many of us use a word processor but not correctly. Knowing some basics will save a good deal of time and therefore money.
Dave Luther, Speaker Liaison, American Business Women's Association - Oct 11, 2007
(In 2007 I even did this without a projector. Each of the 20-30 women approached me to tell me they really learned something and "got" what I was saying about formatting in Word and felt they now knew how to do it.) - How to look good in email
We use email for business correspondence, list participation, job hunting, even to seek our ideal mates. Yet many people actually unwittingly make themselves look bad! Your friends may not realize. Fellow list particpants will just blow you off. And you won't get that job. Make sure you, your employees, your associates are putting their best feet foward in cyberspace.
Website planning and design.
Thanks again, (Mrs) Chris B.
- What you need to know if you're thinking of having a business website (or maybe even one just for yourself).
I've been building websites and writing about building them for as long as the web's been public. Far too many times, people have asked me why their site is not achieving what they need — even when they've paid a "designer" a lot of money.
I don't want to see that happen to more people, so I provide the understanding that can help people who are heading toward sites of their own. I cover basic planning, an understanding of how to get found via search engines, how to build a site that users will want to use, and whatever else comes up.
This seminar is helpful to anyone who is thinking of building a website, especially if they'll planning to hire someone. The audience is certain to learn a lot of stuff that's sure to save them time and money. - Making money with your website.
Dear Deborah,
Thank you so much for taking hours out of your busy schedule to present Making Money With Your Website to our Macintosh user's group. Presenters can oftentimes be hit or miss — and you and Mario Salinas were definitely a hit.
You came with an outline and a handout, you laid out the options and steps in a logical progression, and you intermixed your own experiences as a recent MacGathering organizer and longtime GoLive guru throughout to keep it real and not just theoretical.
The information you provided was invaluable, saving people hundreds of hours and potentially thousands of dollars in setting up their website to generate a little revenue. I hope others will ask you for this presentation -- you're worth every dollar!
Doan Stafford, Cochair QMUG/LA, October 14, 2003
Speaking Experience
Trade Shows
- MacGathering
- Various seminars at Macworld Expo east and west for several years.
- Macworld Live, broadcast from Macworld Expo show floor
- MacFair LA
- Internet World
- User Group presentations in various locations, covering many topics
Business Groups
- Rotary Club
- Business groups
- Law firms
- Computer Wars! A live segment of Nightside, Friday nights on KSL 102.7 FM, out of Salt Lake City, Utah from March - May 2007. Deb, the Mac Gal vs PC guru Jeff Levy for Windows. Audio below.
- Computer News With Jeff Levy — regular guest every few weeks. Jeff invites me to talk about some aspect of the Mac on this long running computer show that covers almost all of Southern California. KNX 1070am from noon-3 Sat & Sun. Audio available, some below.
- MacRadio — The Mac Night Owl LIVE: The Night of Panther
Audio available - Computer Radio — KSKA FM 91.1 in Anchorage, Alaska
Audio available - KFI radio's Karel show, MacDaddy segment
- Party hostess
As the creator of the The Party For The People, I hosted this party as part of the Macworld after-hours festivities in 2004, 2005, and 2006. I introduced the event, ran the trivia contest, etc.
In 2007, I retired the original party and co-founded the Mac Mingle, hosting this party. - User Group Meetings
I've played an active role running Mac user groups since 1993, taking part on stage in various roles from doing prize drawings, to playing MC, to Q&A, to being the guest speaker. - World Without Borders chats
Discussions ranged from what it's like to be a writer to how to use the Mac, to software tips. - In-store software demonstrations
- Syosset High School program speaker
Provided 1-2 hour presentations about my travels. These presentations supplemented the school's social studies curriculum. - Santa Monica Youth Hostel's Budget Travel Workshops
Real-world travel seminars to inspire others to explore the world, or to help those considering travel.
Hello Deborah,
I was at your Mac Beginnings sessions and wonder if you might allow me to pass on some of your wisdom to my local group. ... It was a pleasure to be there. You know so much and teach it well — and your voice is so friendly and easy to listen to that I could have stayed all day.
-A man from Northern California, January 9, 2002, at Macworld Expo
Deborah is a wonderfully entertaining speaker on all topics. She is chock-full of answers to your questions. You may want to take notes. I'm expecting to pick up some tips myself! We are glad to welcome Deborah back to SBAMUG!
-Dr. Dave Nathanson, SBAMUG President
Your presentation showed us not just your outstanding knowledge of Adobe GoLive, but also your unique insights with the Mac and of course your great sense of humor.
The [Adobe GoLive] demo was just the right length, not too short nor too long. By the member feedback I've received, you left a very good impression on all as well as the software shown.
Once again thanks a bunch. Join us again any time.
-John Bernardo, SBAMUG Treasurer
IMHO, Deb Shadovitz gave us one of our best meetings ever. Even those who never want to create a web page learned enough to understand how a web page "works" and appreciate the value of good web page design.
~Elaine Stannard, SMOG VP and Program Chair
Caught one of Deb's [Macworld Expo] workshops on Friday and thought she was delightful. Thanks for the heads-up, I might have passed her by without the mention. She's also got a great web site.
~ posted to an email list, July 23, 2002
For the complete list of my speaking engagements, please see my Schedule page.
How to contact me to speak or teach at your event or group
If you'd like to consider having me speak at your event, speak to your group, or teach a seminar — please contact me so we can discuss it. To do so, send me an email by clicking that link or writing to deb - at - this domain name,
Please tell me as much about the event as possible.
For example:
- The proposed date(s)
- The location
- What you'd like me to speak about
- Your speaker budget or proposed compensation
- Transportation if not in LA
- Accomodations if not in LA
- Your audience
- What you're charging for attendees
- And don't forget to provide your contact information including the URL for your organization.