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The People of the GoLive Bible CD

Note: Many people who worked on the book also contributed to the CD. You'll find them on the Book page, rather than repeated here.

Paul Bradforth
Bob Ludlow
Vincenzo P. Menanno (Waves in Motion)
Gary Miller

Paul Bradforth

Paul Bradforth

Paul Bradforth lives just south of London in a town called Carshalton. Once a professional photographer, he discovered GoLive back when it was GoLive CyberStudio, and fell fully into the world of web design. He contributes some amazing artwork to the book's CD.

Bob Ludlow

Bob LudlowBob Ludlow and I "met" via my column, Mac Efficiency 101, at He showed me some of his photography and, next thing he knew, we were choosing some of my favorites to put on the book's CD! Bob hails from Florida and shoots the local landmarks in interesting ways.

Vince Menanno - Waves in Motion

My first web site design tool was FileMaker Pro 3; serving HTML out of calc fields, concatenating the date from various fields, using WebFM as my CGI. Vince was one of my mentors back then. When I first saw his web survey system, written in FileMaker, Vince Menannosimple to use, accurate and immediate, I was blown away. Now he's got two apps. If you're taking polls or surveys check these out!
  • Poll-it - the easy polling solution.
    Try a sample poll at the Waves in Motion site.
  • Dragon Web Surveys - for easy survey-taking. Try a sample survey at the Waves in Motion site.

Gary Miller

Gary MillerGary lives at the top of a mountain in Anchorage, overlooking a bay. One day he sent me some amazing sunset photos, taken from his back porch with the Olympus D340 that I'd recommended. (Now he uses the D-490.) I loved his sunsets and asked to give them to readers - asking him to label the date of each. I'd guessed they were summer, spring, winter, etc. Turns out they were taken just days apart! Anchorage is certainly amazing and Gary has a great eye. I met him through the Anchorage Mac User Group when I spoke about my last book, the Office 98 Bible, in Anchorage. Both Gary and the Groups's website designer, Elaine Robinson, use GoLive, of course.

To the Book crew


©2000, Deborah Shadovitz,